Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Comp Time is S-T-U-P-I-D

Hey there little buddy. I have a suggestion for you. You sure are a hard worker and we here at littleboxes really appreciate that. "Why, Thank You. I've always though of myself as..." Yes, Yes, we know. We've been thinking about a way to reward you for your hard work and we finally thought of something appropriate. We've decided to give you more options. "Stock options? But I don't have any to begin with..." No, no. We'd like to provide you with the option to replace overtime pay with flexible comp time. Isn't that exciting!? "Well, uh...exactly what do you mean by com--...?" Basically, we want to let you choose not to accept overtime pay in order to accept extra time off from work instead. For example, you could work 45 hours this week and not earn any overtime pay but then take 5 hours off next week. Keep in mind, you could always choose to receive overtime pay and we would never hold it against you. "I think I understand. What if..." Is that a tape recorder? "Uh, yeah but it's not turned on I just have it..." Let us see that. What's this red light? God damn it! Of all the...[tape stops]

transcript of employer--employee discussion here at littleboxes. Are you also confused about overtime pay vs. comp time?



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