Tuesday, September 07, 2004

For A Good Time

Looking for a few guidelines for your life? Maybe a new book to read?

Check it out.

McSweeney's Recommends

here's a sneak peak:

Avoiding intersections

Because, if there's ever a problem, it's at an intersection. We're mostly smart adults, right? We can find the back alleys, the side streets. We don't even need the freakin' intersections.

Small pads of paper, maybe 4 inches by 4 inches
Lots of times, there are things we want to write down. These do the trick.

Not moving
Because have you ever had to pack your stuff? As if there were ever a more obvious recommendation. We're embarrassed we had to say it.

A Ghost Is Born by Wilco
Sure, no risk here, recommending Wilco. It’s cool to recommend Wilco, right? Wait, maybe it’s uncool to recommend Wilco. Is it time to break bad on Wilco? You’ll let us know, right? We’ve heard this album described as “weird,” that some of the songs are “indulgent.” Whatever. Listen to the album. It’s a motherfucker, beginning to end.

The sound a large book makes when snapped shut
Satisfying to those who know it’s coming, scary to those who do not.


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