Friday, February 04, 2005

Lost Time Is Not Found Again

Lost Time: Watching Bush talk about social security. Despite being continually "shocked and awed" by the utterly disturbing parallels between Bush's speech and Newspeak (1984), was it really worth it to watch that speech? And, although it seems far-fetched, we would still not be surprised if those bastards privatize social security before it is all over. We're shocked they haven't changed the name of social security to something more Orwellian. For example, they could call it:
Restricted Benefits
Capped Payments
Minimum Security
Social Welfare

Lost Time: Bitchin' about no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. If you don't know already, we never cared about weapons in Iraq. The U.s. went to Iraq to spread freedom and democracy. What weapons? It is as if it never happened. The media never discuss weapons when they report on Iraq. So all the protesting is not even relevant. It's been wiped from history.


Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

Bush is a absolute nightmare. I hope that 15 years from now people will look back and realize what jackasses they were for voting for such a drooling Great post, awesome blog.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a good point on the Bush administration renaming Social Security with a phrase like Social Welfare. The Republicans have been trying to dump Social Security for the last six decades. Most of them actually view the program as socialist. Now they are trying to strip the program and at the same time pad the wallets of their Wall Street cronies.

This is a great blog. Keep bringing up the important issues and for exposing the Bush crowd for the liars, cheats and money driven terrorists that they really are.

12:32 PM  

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