Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Show me "sand the floor"

Best quote from George W. Bush about Iraq:

"I firmly planted the flag of liberty," he said.

Ok, George, you didn't firmly plant shit. If anything was indeed planted, it was planted by american soldiers and many others who have sacrificed their lives for your ideas about freedom or whatever. If anything was indeed planted, it's a bit of stretch to say it has been planted firmly. Good lord.

Bush calls on Iraqis to vote:
Clearly, there are some who are intimidated. I urge people to vote. I urge people to defy these terrorists."

Would G.W. really vote if he might get blown up? This is the man who flew around the nation like scared little child on Sept 11th when his counterpart, Rudy G. was walking around New York City like a competent and strong leader. (Despite this, the staff at littleboxes really dont' care for Rudy.)

"Pull the string!"

Meanwhile, if social security were a toilet:


Blogger Dr.Moi said...

I didn't know the GOP had its elephants so well-trained. No wonder the Dems don't have it together -- they can't even potty-train a donkey.

2:39 PM  

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