Friday, August 25, 2006

Try to Make You...Understand

what could possibly be more productive than an afternoon trolling the McSweeney's website?

Well, we could list those things that are more productive, but speaking of lists, McSweeney's has lists.

Here's a sample of some lists includiing elements of those lists.


Five Things Rick Astley is Never Gonna Do

Give you up.

Let you down.

Run around.

Desert you.

Touch you inappropriately.

Toddler T-shirt Slogans


Ask me about the C-section.

More of a tit man, thanks.

Still pissed about missing the millennium.

I buried my heart at Legoland.

Waiting for Godot.

Don't let Tony Danza touch me.

Stop the war. Already.

Stunt double for Katie Holmes's baby.


Property of Child and Family Services

Glad those stairs were carpeted.

Slap me if you love Jesus.

Not quite getting this whole "MILF" phenomenon.

I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake: I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame.

Daddy didn't want me.

Ask me about the extra digit.

Grandma won't shut up.


The "With" Is a Typo

Finger Actually Pointing to Person Next to Me

Your High Standards Set an Example for Us All

Only Because "I'm With Sexy" Cost More

If Not for That Shirt, He'd Never Read

And Clearly Proud of It

I'm Rubber, You're Glue, Everything You Say [CONTINUED ON BACK]

Just Until "I'm With Genius" Shirt Back From Dry Cleaner

I Lost the Bet

That Aren't True




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