Thursday, May 18, 2006


We are so depressed. As many of you know, it really sucks when you get sick. Just awful. Although we've found it doesn't really impact the first 12 hours of our day that much. We all still take an afternoon nap and have our 3pm coke snort right on schedule. It seriously hampers going out at night though. Bummer.

What sucks even worse than being sick though is when your customer gets sick. Some of you aren't wealthy enough to have a customer. Relax, if you work hard, your great grand children might be that wealthy! Actually, probably not. Blame your lazy ancestors for not making the proper investments.

But anyway, customer sick = problems. One of us was actually forced to buy something from a drug store the other day. We made her take a shower as soon as she got back. Can you imagine all the common germs that are in a drug store? Actually, you probably can because you have them. Silly us.

It really sucks buying stuff for yourself. Mingling with the common folk is kinda interesting when you're in your teens but it is so 1996.

And the god damn indignity of having to actually count your money and worry about change. We couldn't give a shit about change but it draws too much attention when you pay with a C-note and just walk away. "Excuse me, sir? What about your change?"

As much as we don't care about the change, we certainly don't think the lazy check out bitch should get the money. Girl needs to learn a little self-reliance.


Blogger littleboxes said...

Not fast enough and not nearly as dangerous or exciting.

1:12 AM  

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