Sunday, October 22, 2006
- a way to email littleboxes
- littleboxes music
- littleboxes movies
The History of the littleboxes website: Most of the staff members first met at an informal gathering of "The Underachieving Children of the Overeducated Support Group" function held in Cambridge in 1997. Although this initial meeting intially produced nothing of value, subsequent meetings continued to produce nothing of value. Finally, sometime in 2004, after several more meetings produced nothing of value, this website was created.
- Minnesota Blogs
- Whiskey Bar
- Knitting Aloud
- zap (Patriotic)
- Blog Me
- Creative Labor
- nappy diatribe (Humanity Critic)
- By Night, Rock Star
- AA Road Scholars
- economisttobe
- Yin Yang
- Arts & Letters Daily
- City Pages (Minneapolis/St. Paul)
- This Modern World
- Respectful of Otters
- TalkingPointsMemo
- House of Labor (TPM Cafe)
- The Superficial
- Eschaton
- Pizza Man: True Tales of Deliverance
- Media Matters
- The Grand `Poon
- Google News
- The Bass Tab Archive
Previous Posts
- Try to Make You...Understand
- Medium Rare
- Alive
- Tangoed and Cashed
- Good Lord, that's heavy
- Glass of Wine in Her Hand
- Doldrums
- Fishing Hole
- Big Rabbit
"There is always someone waiting in the wings. The perverted puppeteer. It is an icky, icky world." -Pizza Delivery man
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