Wednesday, June 22, 2005

usability testing

Did you know that it's difficult to find a good picture of a box of Edy's Whole Fruit Strawberry fruit bars on the internet? We thought it would be an easy task. However, all we can find is some tiny-ass pictures that are kinda blury once they become even remotely visible.

We had this entire post planned about how Edy's Whole Fruit fruit bars (like popsicles only better and with actual strawberrys inside!) had changed our lives. How if we purchase 6 boxes of these things for the office they are gone inside of an hour. Really good stuff.

We read a story today about how some study found that cell phone use distracts drivers. We hope to hell that they didn't get federal funding for that crap. No shit it distracts drivers. The god damn radio distracts drivers. Should we ban radios in cars? All we know is that a driver talking on the cell phone increases the chances by about 65% that they were the asshole that cut off the littleboxes van at the intersection by Blockbuster last week. Bastards!

Meanwhile, the news of the world is becoming more stale than a opened bag of week old cheetos. Why can't someone just put the media out of its misery? We can't take any more stories about John Bolton or the hunt for Osama. Why is it that everytime someone in the government mentions that we are close to finding Osama Bin Laden that the media reports it without any context? There is no mention that we've been told this at least half a dozen times before with no results. We here at littleboxes hope that the United States is able to catch Mr. OBL Laden. However, why doesn't the government just shut up about it until they actually have results?

Even more meanwhile, here's something else we don't understand: Why is Bjorn [in our product placement department] so damn gassy today? Good Lord. There's only so much that a refillable Glade plug-in air freshner can do against a stench like that.


Blogger p-funk said...

Bjorn and I had frijoles y arroz at Sabor Latino last night. That might account for the gas. Lo siento, las cajas pequenas!

2:13 PM  

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